#YoungEntrepreneurs Program Launches Video Presentation

Wings of Love, Inc. launched a video to promote its Young Entrepreneurs under 21 nonprofit program to spread the news on it among potential candidates and their parents and teachers. The acknowledged media host Tim Sweezey presented our leading nonprofit program for 2016, which is intended to develop youth entrepreneurship and …

The Ten Rules for Achieving Success

“You are never too young (nor too old!!) to be an entrepreneur,” our president, Silvia Meave, said at the Young Entrepreneurs Under 21 Nonprofit Program Crowdfunding Campaign’s opening. The only requirement to become the entrepreneur “junior” of the year is just to have a great idea to solve a problem in your community… or in …

Are You Ready to Have a Successful Company?

[mp_row bg_video_youtube_repeat=”true” bg_video_youtube_mute=”true” bg_video_repeat=”true” bg_video_mute=”true”] [mp_span col=”6″] [mp_code margin=”10,10,15,15″] Are you interested to apply for a place in the Wings of Love’s Young Entrepreneurs Under 21 Program? Well, we invite you to test your skills through a few selected free online tests by ClearerThinking.org that provide an insightful analysis of your daily decision-making and …

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