Wings of Love, Driven towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The new millennium generation is facing the dark side of the process of Globalization and its highly competitive requirements: There are no more self-made men and women (those who strengthened the middle class during the two previous centuries.) Poverty, violence, addictions and frustration have increased in our country since low-income families …

Building America Success Towards 2050

IT’S TIME TO INVEST IN A NEW GENERATION OF COMMUNITY LEADERS, JOB CREATORS AND SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS OWNERS TO ADVANCE PROSPERITY FOR EVERYONE IN AMERICA   Between 2016 and 2017, the poverty rate in America increased among people with education below bachelor’s degree, according to the United States Census Bureau …

Volunteer on Social Media to Change the World

Volunteer for Nonprofit | Your Community Needs You Now Volunteer on Social Media to spread the word about our nonprofit programs. Volunteer to Change the World | Your Charity is Love for Life Philanthropy is a good habit

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