Why Do We Call It “TGIF”?

Ah, Friday. The finish line of the weekly marathon, the beacon of hope for the exhausted, and the official mascot of couch potatoes and happy hours everywhere. We toss around “TGIF” with reckless abandon, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? What ancient forces conspired to give us …

America’s Favorite Investment Plan: The Lottery!

Every financial advisor will tell you that a well-balanced portfolio consists of stocks, bonds, and perhaps a sprinkle of real estate. But they don’t tell you the real key to wealth: a fistful of crumpled-up lottery tickets! That’s right—Americans are spending a cool $70 billion a year on the thrill …

Breaking News: The World Continues to be Ridiculous—Experts Shocked

In an era where every news headline sounds like it was written by a stand-up comedian on a caffeine binge, let’s take a moment to digest the latest absurdities unfolding across the globe. AI Now Writing News, Journalists in Existential Crisis Step aside, human reporters—robots are gunning for your Pulitzer …

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